Depression How Do I Get Diagnosed With Depression While In Iraq?

How do I get diagnosed with depression while in Iraq? - depression

I'm in Iraq for over a year and although I was quite out of danger, in most cases has been a tough year emotionally. Do you plan not with depression, because I have never seen a psychiatrist or someone who is diagnosed with nature, but I can tell you for a good part of ten years, I had a number of depression for the last few days.

Here in Iraq, which was very important. I'm depressed and feel empty inside and it takes a week, then I feel better for a week and had been depressed for a week and feel better for three weeks. Normally, my depression is sudden. I like working and I feel good and I suddenly feel this uncontrollable saddness and emptiness in me. Almost as disappointed and I have lost something. Who would iritability and hostility and bring it back to silence.

I see a real psyciatrist, but do not know what to do. Thank you.


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