Golf Bag Carrier For Motorcycle Golf Bag, Balls, Etc?

Golf bag, balls, etc? - golf bag carrier for motorcycle

Me and my friend were on the street the other day and I noticed a neighbor had a garage sale and sold a lot of golf equipment. my friend who loves golf, but do not go that far. But I wanted to know how far the man had to sell their things. Now a golf bag (keeps in very good shape) with clubs and small things: the drivers, almost 150 balls (about 50 of them new), a golf bag that folds easy storage, 2 different ball retriever on the ball and highlights not to bend over and landed hooks to the other from the water (eg extension of up to 10-20 m), then many tea egg. if he sold everything for us $ 40. Do you think that the piece more than that? In onlyI ask because my friend never use these things ...


Tennisch... said...

blah .... Judas!

erinintn said...

Many employ MRE 200 $ 300

rphill_4... said...

Well, I'm a scratch golfer ...... If someone was selling the club in a garage sale for $ 40 ... and you get what you pay for. I would say he spent $ 40 on a pile of shit.

JL<3JL said...

WOWO this is a very good deal. I bet it is a matter can not be obtained in a long time. I recommend that you keep what you do that you will find one days, if you want. Lik Eyoou the golf ball retriever dog can be used for anything else, as if they catch something very far away, like the remote lol. to buy it when the pieces go very hiigh

Car Girl said...

Looks like you have a lot of things for a very good price. No, if the peasants. If you love golf, even if it is not much, $ 40 to spend a lot for everything. Let him stay with him.

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