Does anyone know something I can buy for chronic tension headaches? - tension headaches
I have this terrible headache, chronic tension) (since January and I wonder whether something can have for them, in addition to the TTH Exedrin (which is not for me) to work. I have muscle twitching in the forehead and it makes me crazy. I read that if you go to the doctor about this, I give you muscle relaxants and things like that. I do not want this medication. Does anyone know a natural cure or something not so drastically that I can take?
Tension Headaches Does Anyone Know Something I Can Buy For Chronic Tension Headaches?
1:41 AM
A friend of mine told me to ice in a towel and put it folded and secured around her neck and hold for 30 minutes ... blood vessels to open .. Maybe you should get an MRI or CT, headache sample. or try to give someone a message or neck to relieve tension?
If you suddenly in January, he started getting these headaches, you do not need to see a doctor so you can know what is behind. I would say the things Excederin.
Jack Daniels. You need not stress too much after a few shots.
exedrin ..... Ads will say again and again .... Work worth a try
Good luck! :)
Usually you headaches stress affects on the back of the head forward, usually not at the front. However, in the sinus headaches ... try taking a decongestant to see if the problem at all.
wow! You need rest ...
Migraine me. perhaps once a week - when I'm in a physical check up, the puzzle is that you will receive every week something else is interested, there are other factors that may contribute to this. In my case, your opinion is sleep apnea.
Nevertheless, I take 2 pills aleve and work for me. Advil aleve no mistake - my migraines are tortuous, because it is the other medication - Tylenol, Advil, Motrin, etc. .. Nothing works. aleve just worked. So I bought a large bottle of Aleve that I receive each day. I hope they work for you.
Even if I have a headache, trying to tolerate small, because I want my body used for aleve ... Who could develop an immunity and no longer work.
If you serve in the military establishment, has asked to seek out a chaplain or doctor. The Consulate of the United States should help in the situation, see a doctor.
Thank you for your service. You can be sure.
Please go to the medical unit. It is certainly a psychiatrist on staff. I hope I can speak with that person.
They are the number 1 Take care of yourself first. If this is not true, you will not be able to protect themselves or others.
Please help!
My husband spent a year in Iraq, and we understand how emotionally draining. Speak to your captain or at least a friend about this topic. It should be noted in the right direction. Depression is a serious problem, and in Iraq makes it even worse. It should be someone who can help. Please talk to someone. You really need to get help. It will not disappear by itself. Good luck. Take care. And thank you for serving our country! May God bless you!
Not sarcastic at all, but good luck! The best friends of my husband, although injured, and some other members of his troupe and nothing! They will not help you, it's terrible, and I think for you! Myabe use of its open-door policy?
Hope this helps!
I recommend talking to the priest. The vacuum could show the hole to God in the hearts of everyone that they need. He alone can fill the void. A chaplain can explain how God can fill that gap.
My friend was seeing in Iraq for 2 weeks at the border and was in combat even though he wakes not talk about it in the middle of the night sweats or are ready to strangle someone. In any case, once to the States, which was uneventful, healthy and everything, but I insisted, on the VA and the doctors still do not anythign wrong. 5 months after he was diagnosed with PTSD. You should see a doctor outside the VA, but I suggest you still a psychiatrist. Most just want to go home to our soldiers, and some R & R if you're still the same when she comes home, then definetley should consult a professional feel. Hope this helps! =]
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